Dr. Roxanne Trangmar
Dr. Shivani Gautam
Dr. Jennie Jackson-Hughes
Dr. Darren Whatley
Dr. Punsara Wahalawatta
(613) 233-6652
Coronavirus/COVID-19 Information
Our office is committed to providing care to our patients during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. However, our office needs to change our approach to care to avoid unnecessary visits and decrease the rate of spread of this infection. As you are likely aware, it is advisable for all of our patients to practice social distancing and to self isolate if you develop symptoms or are returning from travel outside of Canada. See the links to Public Health information at the bottom of this page for more information on these practices.
Appointments may be over the telephone or in-person if necessary. For phone appointments, your physician will call you around the time of your appointment (please note the caller ID may display “Midtown Ottawa FHO” or “No Caller ID” on your phone). For more information on virtual visits and privacy click here.
Visits that are more urgent and require an in-person visit will still be available. If you are uncertain about the need to be seen in person, please call our office at (613) 233-6652.
Monday to Thursday EVENING CLINICS WILL NO LONGER BE ON A WALK IN BASIS. You must call for an appointment first and phones will be answered until 7 pm. Saturday morning clinics from 9 am-12 pm will be walk in (you must arrive before 11 am)
If you are sick with mild symptoms and can reasonably manage at home, please try to stay at home.
If you are concerned you need testing go to this link www.ottawapublichealth.ca/coronavirus and follow the updated advice on testing.
We will monitor for updated advice from Public Health and will update our practices accordingly.
For further helpful information see the links below:
Ottawa Public Health: https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/novel-coronavirus.aspx
Ontario Ministry of Health: https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus
Health Canada Travel Notices: https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/health-safety/travel-health-notices